The 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料's Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Center provides teachers and administrators research-based professional development in STEAM content and pedagogy to engage, educate, and inspire our 21st-century learners. It collaboratively designs and facilitates learner-centered experiences that nurture innate human curiosity through:

  • Catalyzing innovative, research-validated educational strategies to support student success
  • Building educator capacity through a range of professional learning opportunities
  • Connecting schools, networks, communities, industries, and government to create synergy and support innovation

STEAM Lending Library

The STEAM Center runs a lending library where educators can check out STEAM-related books and hands-on kits for classroom and training use. View the  and .

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Portions of this work have been made possible through the generous funding by Oracle Giving.